What is Kratom, and How to Ensure Its Safety?
If you've been following health news or visiting vitamin shops, you may have heard about kratom. It's a supplement marketed as an energy booster, mood enhancer, pain reliever, and opioid withdrawal aid. However, the truth about kratom is complex, and concerns related to its use are diverse.
Unraveling the World of Kratom
Kratom is an herbal extract derived from the leaves of a evergreen tree (Mitragyna speciosa) grown in Southeast Asia (closely related products include Mitragyna hirsuta and Mitragyna javanica). Kratom leaves can be chewed, consumed in dry form, or prepared into a ritualistic drink, akin to tea. Kratom extract can also be used to create liquid products, often marketed for muscle pain relief, appetite suppression, and alleviating cramps and diarrhea. Additionally, kratom is sold as a remedy for panic attacks.
Kratom's Effects
Kratom is believed to act on opioid receptors. At low doses, it functions as a stimulant, providing a sense of increased energy. At higher doses, it reduces pain and can induce euphoria. In very high doses, it acts as a sedative, leading to calmness and possibly drowsiness. Some individuals who practice Asian traditional medicine view kratom as a substitute for opioids. Others use kratom to avoid opioid withdrawal symptoms and because it's more accessible than prescription medications.
Kratom is also used at music festivals and other recreational settings. Those who use kratom for relaxation often cite its plant-based nature as a natural and safe option. However, the active compound levels in kratom plants can vary significantly, making it challenging to predict the effects of a given dose. Depending on the plant's composition and the user's health, kratom use can be highly risky. Claims about kratom's benefits remain unverified due to a lack of reliable evidence.
Adverse Effects and Safety Concerns
Kratom has been a subject of study in the USA for several years, with differing opinions about its effects. Some argue that kratom has beneficial effects on the body, while others claim the opposite. Below are some of the side effects associated with higher kratom consumption.
Kratom has a range of known side effects, including:
- Weight loss
- Dry mouth
- Chills, nausea, and vomiting
- Changes in urine and constipation
- Liver damage
- Muscle pain
Kratom can also affect the mind and nervous system, leading to:
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Depression and confusion
- Suppressed breathing
Kratom takes effect within five to ten minutes and lasts for two to five hours. Its effects intensify with higher quantities. In animals, kratom appears to be more potent than morphine.
Like many issues seen with pain medications, problems can arise when these substances are used in high doses or for prolonged periods. The precise toxic level of kratom for humans is unknown, but just like with pain medications and recreational drugs, it is possible to overdose on kratom.